We provide you with an interdisciplinary team at your side. So that nothing is missing.

27 years of professional experience of our civil engineers in the assessment of guarantee claims under aspects of engineering

  • Technical and commercial review and evaluation of all contract documents, including service specifications and costing documents.

  • Determination of the performance status of the individual construction sites, including reporting and photo documentation.
  • Building status assessments, including reporting and photo documentation.

  • Technical and commercial support for expert opinions on the opening of insolvency proceedings and reports to the insolvency courts.

  • Technical and commercial examination with regard to a possible continuation of construction work by the insolvency administrator, including determination of completion costs.
  • Supervision of construction sites to be continued, including review of incoming invoices and preparation of outgoing invoices.

  • Preparation of partial and final invoices for the debtor.

  • Coding and archiving of all construction and procedural files in a database; we also offer storage on request.

  • Receivables collection for construction debtors.

  • Technical support for independent evidence proceedings.

  • Technical support during construction litigation.
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